Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear Family,
So, here's the big news. I'm training again! yay! I get a brand new greenie on Thursday! The trick is, I was expressly commanded by President Merkley that I am not to let this new missionary know that I am about to go home. So it's going to be interesting trying to explain everything.... Like when I ship my bike home. That'll be fun trying to explain haha.
Elder Gardner is going to the Springfield South Stake as a Senior Companion. Just a hop, skip, and a jump away. I am very excited for him and proud of him.
Yesterday our Ward Mission Leader Barbecued for us. Ribs and Chicken. It was SO good! Mashed Potatoes. Peas(the world's most frustrating food to eat). Fruit(I skipped that). Pumpkin Pie for dessert. It was AWESOME. At the end of May the Ward here is having a BBQ contest..... Maybe I'll have to come back and tour the mission then..... I can't wait to go home, get a smoker, and get serious about BBQ! Yum!
Last night we went to a Member's house so Elder Gardner could say goodbye to them. They had rented a Dodge Challenger because the Mom and Dad went on a little mini-vacation this weekend. The Dad gave Elder Gardner and I a quick spin around the block in it. Boy that thing was awesome! And he only had a 6 cylinder!(which gets 27 MPG on the highway, by the way) I can't imagine how much giddy-up the the V8 has. You should go test-drive one, Mom. :) You'd like it.
Saturday we went to a Baptism for the University Ward. The guy who was conducting the meeting wasn't able to make it, so they had me do it. So that was kind of fun. I always a love a Baptism.
That's all the exciting news, I suppose. Other than that it's been a normal week as a missionary. Nothing too mind-blowing has happened.
I hope that y'all have a good week! Go to the temple if you can!(and we all know that we can if we just make time)
Elder Bracken

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